
Trinity (Premium) Magic Mushrooms – Magic Box

Trinity (Premium) Magic Mushrooms – Magic Box


If you’re looking for the holy trinity of incredible potency, visuals, and feelings—then look no further. Trinity is a magic mushroom that was destined for greatness. That’s because this strain has some of the most unique genetics. The result is an incredible strain with pure potency and some of the most diverse and extraordinary effects.


Trinity (Premium) Magic Mushrooms – Magic Box Information

7g, 14g, 28g

Mushroom Strength


Trinity Magic Mushrooms

If you’re looking for the holy trinity of incredible potency, visuals, and feelings—then look no further. Trinity is a magic mushroom that was destined for greatness. That’s because this strain has some of the most unique genetics. The result is an incredible strain with pure potency and some of the most diverse and extraordinary effects.

Trinity Magic Mushroom Effects

Trinity magic mushrooms have a diverse range of incredible effects. First and foremost, this strain has powerful visuals even at lower doses. Expect fractals, geometric patterns, and color shifts. The best part of Trinity is that it feels amazingly clear in the mind. A clear head leads to creativity and euphoria that isn’t present in other strains.

If you’re a beginner and have never dosed before, then here’s a general guide:

  • .25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
  • .25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
  • 1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
  • 2.5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
  • 5g+ for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)

This chart is for the average Psilocybin cubensis strain, and Trinity is anything but average. We recommend that beginners start around 1 gram.

Buy Trinity (Premium) Magic Mushrooms – Magic Box Online in Canada

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Trinity (Premium) Magic Mushrooms – Magic Box Reviews